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Isabel Suppé
Climbing on crutches and capturing the world with words....

Isabel Suppé is a high altitude climber with an inspiring story. In 2010 while climbing Ala Izquierda in Bolivia, her climbing partner slipped, causing both climbers to fall a brutal 400 meters to the glacier base.
With bones protruding from her right leg, Isabel survived for two days and nights, dragging her broken body to the far side of the glacier, where she encountered a team sent to recover her corpse. For the following six months she underwent 14 complex surgeries with hopes of achieving the impossible: saving her right foot.
"I decide to continue. To keep on dragging myself over the ice, maybe for nothing, so to at least not to die without having fought to the last; to have a chance as tiny as it may be to live."
Two months after her final operation, Isabel climbed Volcano Dos Conos using crutches after pushing her gear to high camp on a bicycle. A month later she completed the first female solo ascent of Mount Cachi, one of the highest mountains in the Andes. She continues to climb and to amaze with peserverence, positive attitude, and passion.
Isabel is available to present her inspiring story in English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, or Portuguese.
"The conference delegates found your story of survival fascinating and I for one was very taken by your harrowing story."
Tim Wilson | Chief Executive
MSI Global Alliance
2014 MSI International Conference in Rio de Janeiro
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